Process Mapping - Use Brown Paper, Crayons and Post-Its To Communicate Like Never Before
Getting anunderstanding of where to start making changes is often really hard. Since Team LEaders generally work 'at the sharp end', its frequently a challenge to see the wood for the trees and figure out how to stop the need for fire fighting.
Process mapping is an excellent tool for this initial step. Working with the team (or members from across a slection of teams) enables everyone to have their input. More importantly, it separates the people from the problems, allowing things to be seen for what they really are.
This week's TeamTips is all about getting these results, by starting daily briefings in your organisation. It'll take you less than three minutes to read and is packed with practical, how-to tips.
You can download the process mapping article or sign up for other free team leaders articles from the Sevenrings website.
Process mapping is an excellent tool for this initial step. Working with the team (or members from across a slection of teams) enables everyone to have their input. More importantly, it separates the people from the problems, allowing things to be seen for what they really are.
This week's TeamTips is all about getting these results, by starting daily briefings in your organisation. It'll take you less than three minutes to read and is packed with practical, how-to tips.
You can download the process mapping article or sign up for other free team leaders articles from the Sevenrings website.
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